Thursday, October 22, 2009

Better Late Than Never - Pumpkin Bread

Ok, I know I promised pumpkin bread like a million years ago.... Well, I'm finally getting to it - although I'm sad to say that I don't have any pictures of the mini loaves of spicy deliciousness. They went too fast!

I've had a long obsession with everything pumpkin (real, fake, canned, candied -Brach's mello pumpkins are the bomb!!). In fact, this reminds me that I need to make my annual trip to find the perfect pumpkin candle for fall. Yes, I really do this...:) In recent years, I've had luck at Bath and Body Works - I'm very particular about my candle scents...especially pumpkin. I'm pretty sure this makes me a giant nerd, but if you read this blog, or know me in any way, this should be no surprise.

Anyway, back to food. I can't really take much credit for this recipe, my sister randomly found it online by searching for "lowfat pumpkin bread." Who knew the bread would turn out so good; be "good" for you; and look good in the mini muffin pans. It's super easy too.

Blogger isn't letting me copy and paste, so here's a link to the recipe. We baked the mini loaves for about 40-45 minutes and I served them with some light cream cheese - YUM!!

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