Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Over the Rainbow

I had my second cake decorating class last night - we got to pull out the piping bags and tips to actually use them - finally! With me, I also had a light blue frosted cake (that I made, but admit it was a box mix) and about 10 tubs of frosting in assorted colors and consistencies. The goal of the class was to work on stars, zigzags and letters - and decorate said cake with a cheesy, er cheery, rainbow using those techniques.

I only got the red row of the rainbow done in class - however, I partially blame the waiting I did to be "instructed," and, well, the interesting people in the class. Hilar...everyone wanted to know how I knew to bring the different frostings. Did they read the book where it listed out 50 things to bring to the second class (which included a bath-sized towel...still figuring that one out, I didn't use mine)? One person came with their cake already decorated - in their own "special" way...there wasn't a rainbow anywhere on that cake.
So, I finished the cake today - while listening to some classic Cd's from college (*NSYNC, Center Stage soundtrack and Squirrel Nut Zippers) - iTunes was definitely missing them and so was I! You know you loved *NSYNC...:) And, was anyone else inspired to take a dance class after seeing Center Stage, or was that just me and my sister? HAH

Anyway, here's the completed cake. There are a few things I would have done differently, but overall I'm pretty happy with it. And, while the decorating style might not really go along with my personal ideas, I have learned some good basics in the class so far.

BTW, looking forward to next week's Real Housewives - LuAnn goes to the Halloween party in an American Indian costume?! Awesome


  1. 1) of course I was inspired to take a dance class after that movie!
    2) please tell me when/why you need a bath sized towel
    3) does the rainbow + brad have any significance?

    LOVE THE BLOG, hilarious.

  2. Carrie - I just lol'd at your trifecta of comments. Katie - I love that you're blogging...of course you are blogging. You are my "in" to social networking trends! Happy Baking...and frosting.

  3. Carrie - the cake needed to have a name on it and brad seemed to make sense, go figure. you want a slice?

  4. Carrie - rainbows make me smile...

  5. first of all I would like to point out the fact that you used the word 'blogosphere' in a serious and legitimate sentence. second of all, I love your rainbow cake!! and want one for my next birthday, also including mermaids, unicorns, saved by the bell and scrunchies all on the same cake. Love you!
